Board Meeting Minutes 3-12-24
The meeting was called to order at 3:31 pm
Board members in attendance:
Guy Senese
Nirvair Khalsa
Gurumeet Khalsa
Board member attending by phone: Fran Lasala
Members of the public present:
Leslie Woodford (school administration)
Lulu Camacho (school administration)
Megan Mundle (parent)
Amorette Dudgeon (parent)
Tamara Ponchahar (parent)
Nirvair updated the board on our work with consultants and asked for comment. We are working directly with Rosario Toward for curriculum support and Dr. Lindsey Pollock for administration and staff support. We are in the process of negotiating contracts with them for the rest of the school year and moving into the new school year.
The board confirmed their support of this plan.
Nirvair announced that Lulu Camacho, our finance director has agreed to step into the role of Interim Head of School. Lulu’s resume was shared. This will be a transition position with support from Nirvair and could lead to a more permanent role. We are looking for an accountant to hire for Lulu’s current role, and she will continue overseeing the business office until a replacement is found.
Nirvair asked for comments or questions from the board. The board was supportive of this decision.
Nirvair asked for the board’s approval to hire Lulu Camacho as Interim Head of School.
Gurumeet moved to approve hiring Lulu Camacho as Interim Head of School
Guy seconded
The motion passed unanimously
The meeting was adjourned at 3:38
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