Board Meeting Minutes

Khalsa Family Services Board

Proposed Budget Meeting



A public hearing was opened at 5:05 pm. 

Board members attending:

Nirvair Khalsa

Fran LaSala (by phone)

Gurumeet Khalsa (by phone)

Members of the public attending: No one from the public attended

The public hearing was closed at 5:07 

Nirvair opened the board meeting and invited board members to review the proposed budget and raise any questions, concerns, suggestions or comments. 

The proposed budget had been emailed to the board members before the meeting.

The board members had no questions and commented that the budget “looks good”.

Gurumeet moved to approve the proposed budget

Fran seconded the motion

The motion passed unanimously

The meeting was adjourned at 5:15

Board member Guy Senese regretted being unable to attend the meeting and emailed his approval of the proposed budget.

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